Cloud Experience
Stephane Mareek (Udemy)
Completed a comprehensive Udemy course on AWS cloud Practitioner learned about EC2, S3, and Lambda, demonstrating proficiency in deploying and managing applications. Familiar with cloud computing concepts like virtualization, scalability, and beginning to grasp security principles, ensuring foundational knowledge for AWS infrastructure management.
Cloud Practitioner AWS Udemy Course
Stephane Mareek (Udemy)
Currently undertaking an AWS Solutions Architect Udemy course to deepen understanding of AWS cloud architecture and design principles, further enhancing skills in cloud infrastructure management and solution development.
Solutions Architect AWS Udemy Course
Projects Portfolio
I have completed a project that is currently being hosted on AWS S3. This project demonstrates my skills in cloud computing and my ability to deploy and manage applications on the cloud.
Certifications and Skills
I have obtained the ORACLE MySQL badge and completed the PCEP course on Udemy. Additionally, I have a solid foundation in Linux and bash basics. I've also completed the AWS CLAP course on Udemy and am currently enrolled in an ongoing SAA course on the same platform.